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Board of Directors

Customer-owners, chosen by Farm Credit members

在农场信贷,你对谁来领导我们的机构有发言权. 下面介绍我们董事会的现任成员.

Organization Charters & Bylaws

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What is an outside director? 我们选出的董事任命两名外部董事,为我们的协会带来专业知识和洞察力.

James F. (Jamie) Kinsey
Owner & Manager, Kinsey’s Oak Front Farms
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James F. Kinsey, Chairperson, 是金赛橡树农场的老板兼经理,一个纯种安格斯牛肉农场. 他是the West Virginia cattle lemen 's Association和the Wardensville Bull Test Advisory Committee的董事会成员. Mr. Kinsey is also a member of the WV Farm Bureau, WV Angus Association, 美国安格斯协会和全国牧牛人协会.

Vice Chairperson
Kevin C. Craun
Owner & Operator, Dairy Farm
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Kevin C. Craun, Vice Chairperson, owns and operates, with his brother, a 900-acre operation supporting 190 dairy cows, 100 cow/calf pairs and dairy steers.  Mr. 克劳恩是谢南多厄河谷水土保持区的董事兼主席, 也是罗金厄姆县农业管理委员会的成员.  Mr. 克劳恩是弗吉尼亚州牛奶委员会的委员. 他也是AgFirst Farm Credit地区咨询委员会的成员.

Board Member
Ronald L. Bennett
Owner & Operator, Watahala Dairy Farm
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Ronald L. Bennett is owner/operator of the family’s dairy, Watahala Dairy Farm. Mr. 贝内特任职于阿勒格尼县农场局董事会和弗吉尼亚州农场局乳制品咨询委员会. Mr. Bennett也是Alleghany/Rockbridge/Bath FSA董事会的前任董事. 他是里奇帕奇联合卫理公会教会的终身成员.

Board Member
Caitlin M. Bailey
Owner & Operator, Next Level Cattle Company
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Caitlin M. Bailey is owner/operator of Next Level Cattle Company. 该农场包括商业肉牛/小牛,干草和大田玉米业务在史密斯维尔,西弗吉尼亚州. Along with overseeing the farm operation, 她是一名兼职小学代课教师. Ms. 贝利是西弗吉尼亚牧民协会的成员.     

Board Member
Donna M. Brooke-Alt
Owner & Operator, Brookedale Farms
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Donna M. Brooke-Alt is owner/operator and president of Brookedale Farms LLC, a goat operation, greenhouses, an Agri-tainment operation with corn maze, and event building.  她也是布鲁克代尔荷斯泰因奶牛场的部分所有者和簿记员. Ms. Brooke-Alt担任Mineral County Farm Bureau的主管, 矿物县家庭资源网络委员会主任, 也是Mineral County 4-H/FFA畜牧协会的财务主管. 她是波托马克州立大学农业顾问委员会和波托马克州立大学格斯特尔农业发展奖委员会的成员.

Board Member
David W. (Wayne) Campbell
Operator, Beef Cattle Farm
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David Wayne Campbell 经营一个肉牛农场,包括商业小牛和种牛赫里福德和牲畜. He is a retired manager for Southern States Cooperative.  Mr. Campbell is president of Virginia Cattlemen, serving on the Policy Committee, 华盛顿县十博官网手机版官网下载管理局主席,现任局长, Smyth/Washington Cattlemen Board, treasurer/board member of Abingdon Feeder Cattle, 也是西南弗吉尼亚农业协会的主席.

Board Member
Robert M. (Bob) Chambers, Jr.
Owner & Operator, Brooke Farms
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Robert M. Chambers, Jr. 持有布鲁克农场有限责任公司和自由设备维修公司的权益. The farm consists of crops and beef cows. Mr. 钱伯斯拥有并经营CCB投资有限责任公司,这是一个由6家NAPA汽车零部件商店组成的集团. Mr. 钱伯斯在Ever Grow合作社董事会(前身为奥兰治麦迪逊合作社)任职。.

Board Member
Charles E. (Chuck) Horn, Jr.
Owner & Operator, Delta Springs LLC
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Charles E. Horn, Jr., owns and operates Delta Springs LLC, a poultry, replacement dairy heifer, grain and beef cattle farm in Mt. Solon, VA.  Mr. 霍恩是北河鲁里坦俱乐部的成员超过30年,目前担任财务主管.

Board Member
Kyle E. House
Owner & Operator, Kettle Wind Farm, LLC
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Kyle E. House 是弗吉尼亚州威廉王子县Kettle风电场有限责任公司的所有者/运营商.  The family operation consists of 2750 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and hay as well as 1000 acres of sod.  Mr. House是费尔法克斯/劳顿/威廉王子FSA办公室的县委员会成员.

Outside Director
Melody S. Jones
Certified Public Accountant
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Melody S. Jones 是外部董事并担任审计委员会主席.  她是一名个体执业的注册会计师.  Ms. 琼斯是菲立比妇女投资俱乐部的金融合伙人. 

Board Member
Charles (Chuck) R. King, Jr.
Farmer, Beef Cattle & Crop
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Charles R. King, Jr., 他在蒙哥马利县拥有并经营着一个农场. 他的农场包括奶牛/小牛养殖、稻草和小谷物. Mr. 金在2021年之前一直种植南瓜,并担任弗吉尼亚南瓜种植者协会的前任主席. Mr. 金是蒙哥马利县农业局董事会成员,也是弗吉尼亚理工大学AGR兄弟会的荣誉成员.

Board Member
Charles B. Leech IV
Owner & Operator, Ingleside Dairy Farm
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Charles B. Leech, IV, 是家族奶牛场Ingleside dairy farm, Inc .的所有者/经营者., and an owner/manager of Ingleside Land, LLC.  Mr. Leech担任Rockbridge Farmers ' Cooperative Board董事和Virginia State dairy ' s Association董事. 

Outside Director
Milton L. McPike
Operations Manager, Cargill, Inc. (Retired)
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Milton L. McPike, Jr. is an outside director. He is a retired Operations Manager for Cargill, Inc. in Wichita, KS. 

Board Member
Donald W. Reese
Partner, Reese's Farm Fresh Produce
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Donald W. Reese is a vegetable farmer. He and his wife own and operate Don and Sara Reese LLC, 它由两个路边零售市场组成,在哈利法克斯县以里斯农场新鲜农产品的名义经营, VA.  Mr. 里斯是哈利法克斯县高中的一名农业教师和FFA顾问. 他也是哈利法克斯县合作推广领导委员会的成员.

Board Member
Alfred W. Stephens, Jr.
Farmer, Dairy & Beef Cow
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Alfred W. Stephens, Jr., 是奶牛和肉牛/小牛的农场主,并有一个小的农产品业务.  Mr. 斯蒂芬斯担任Wythe/Bland DHIA的财务秘书和VA Tech Dairy Science Advisory Board的成员.  Mr. 斯蒂芬斯还担任AgFirst Farm Credit Bank董事会董事. 


“在经济繁荣时期,每个银行家都很容易来找你说,‘我们会借给你钱." Where we shine is when the times turn. We're going to be there. We understand the ups and downs of farming."

Kevin Craun, Hillview Farm (Bridgewater, VA)

“许多当地银行不了解你需要什么,也不了解农场的运作方式. When I went to Farm Credit, 他们了解我的需求,他们贷款给我们完成对我们成功至关重要的必要项目."

Donna Brooke-Alt, Brookedale Farms (Fort Ashby, WV)